Welcome Bible skeptic

This site was originally created for the Bible skeptic. I had written an article that turned into a short book, and I thought that it was thought-provoking enough for Bible skeptics to at least consider as they thought about the truthfulness of the Bible. That article is entitled Moses and Jesus, and I encourage you to skip to that link. Of course, anyone is welcome to read any article on this site, but if you are a Bible skeptic, I encourage you to start there.

When I finished reading the Book of Exodus, I was struck by the fact that the Gospels and the life of Jesus in particular seemed to be an intricate set of fulfilled predictions. God had predicted much of what Jesus came and did 1,500 years before he came and did those things. Reading Exodus, combined with the Gospels, left me with the distinct impression that God is in control of everything. I came away with the thought that the life of Jesus was no mere coincidence. This Book led me to the precipice of my own personal leap of faith in God and in Jesus. The Book of Exodus gave me solid reasons as a foundation for my own faith. I hope it will have the same effect on you.

I should warn you that it’s kind of long, so it’s really geared toward the person who is motivated to put the reliability of the Bible to the test. I put the Scriptures (both from Exodus and from the Gospels) in the text of the article so that the reader doesn’t have to be constantly jumping around from the article to a Bible to another part of the Bible and back to the article. But of course, all of the references are in the article, so you can read them for yourself in your own Bible if you want.

Finally, this article could be read in one sitting, but it could also lend itself to a month long study of just 5 minutes/day. Take a couple days to read the introduction and another couple days to read the conclusions and then just one day each for the 26 points of connection. You can see what I’m referring to when you click on the link.

I commend you for your willingness to explore the truthfulness of the Bible. I think you will find as you study that the Bible is a remarkable book.

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